Material themes


Sales practices and customer satisfaction

The topic addresses transparency in business practices and clear communication of product and service conditions, including training of bank correspondents on the topic and issues related to customer satisfaction and experience of the product/service provided.

Innovation & technology

The theme addresses the innovation of the Company’s processes, adoption of new technologies, research and development (R&D), and digital transformation of processes and products.

Corporate governance and integrity

The topic addresses the processes, culture, regulations, and strategy that define how a company is run. It includes Governance for Sustainability, which aims to advise the committees on the theme. It also involves the mechanisms applied by the company related to ethics, integrity, and anti-corruption, as well as the communication and accountability of internal actions to its stakeholders. It also includes compliance with market practices and sector regulations.

Environmental, social, and climate risk strategy

The topic addresses the Company’s strategy, governance, environmental, social and climate risk management for adaptation and resilience to the consequences of climate change for the business, such as storms, water shortages and new regulations. Includes management of greenhouse gases and other pollutant gases.


The topic addresses the optimization of processes and activities, such as mechanisms to reduce the use of energy, water and/or waste, aiming at better financial performance and lower consumption of natural resources. It includes assessing and measuring the socio-environmental and economic impacts generated by products and services offered by the bank and operations, seeking greater eco-efficiency and maximization of positive impacts.

Partners’ and suppliers’ management

The topic addresses task management and social and environmental regulatory compliance checks of contractors (suppliers and service providers). It includes preparation of third parties that deal with the public, such as security staff.

Human capital development

The topic addresses the training and education of employees to develop and enhance  work skills and knowledge.

Diversity & inclusion

The topic addresses issues such as employee and top management composition on diversity of gender, ethnicity, color, age, PwD, LGBTQIA+ identity, and other vulnerable groups.

Data privacy and security

The topic addresses the proper functioning of internal systems and security of customer information on the data network, ensuring compliance with General Law of Data Protection – LGPD.

Sustainable products and businesses

The topic approaches the offering of services and products with positive economic, social and environmental impact. Some examples are: credit lines, solutions and products with a social and environmental focus, such as for small businesses, students, low-income population, access to housing, promotion of access to clean energy, reduction of water consumption, protection or support to biodiversity, etc.

Financial inclusion and education

The topic addresses the contribution to raising awareness among customers and non-customers about financial education and conscious use of money, and offering support and facilitated tools to expand access to financial products and services.

Risk approach and opportunities related to climate change

The approach used to foster opportunities related to climate change has a direct and indirect impact that can be positive, changing the society’s perception of institution’s management of climate-related and environmental matters, or negative with possible credit losses that can directly impact results expected by shareholders/investors, according to the control tools than can mitigate climate change-related events.

Criteria for financing assignment, positive impact and delinquency

The criteria adopted for the assignment of financing directly impact the Bank’s operations, as they impact investors’ decision-making, as well as new regulatory guidelines can impact criteria adopted. The strategic allocation of resources can foster the State’s social & economic development, as customers are directly impacted by the defined criteria. The Bank adopts criteria to minimize negative impacts, such as checking if the customer is listed as an “Employer of Forced Labor”, if they received environmental licenses or they have already caused environmental damage subject to conviction, and the absence of these criteria can generate negative impacts for the Bank.

Business expansion strategy

Business expansion strategies have a positive impact due to the change in society’s behavior and the need to reduce environmental impacts, promoting more sustainable products combined with sustainable economic development.

Management of risks that can significantly impact business

Risk management has a direct and positive impact in the bank and its stakeholders for identifying and preventing possible security and privacy breaches to employees’ data and consequently customer data. A proper risk management ensures the institution’s soundness and the role it plays in society.

Management of energy consumption and solid waste generation

How waste is managed has directly impacted the company, positively when waste generated is correctly disposed, showing the Bank’s concern with related social & environmental matters. However, it has negative environmental impacts when there are flaws in the proper final disposal of generated waste, which can reduce inclusion and income generation for recycling cooperatives. The use of incentivized and renewable energy generates a positive impact to stakeholders, which already demonstrates the Bank’s position towards environmental initiatives.

Innovation and Technology: digital operations, processes, products and services

Innovation and technology processes generate a series of positive impacts, e.g., increase the security of IT assets, as well as a better use of time by employees to serve customers, decreasing their operational load. Furthermore, this investment allows for financial citizenship, making the financial and payment system more accessible. Lastly, it fosters an increase in revenue as well as in customer satisfaction and loyalty and shows the company’s concern about the topic.

Social investment in the external community

Investing in the external community has a positive impact because it fosters the local economy through the sponsorships and leads to improvements to the quality of life of children, teenagers, and the elderly in situations of social vulnerability, through projects that develop skills and encourage sports, culture, and leisure. Consequently, this contributes to the access to banking services in the region.

Sustainable products and business

The offer of sustainable products that foster positive social and environmental impacts generates financial results and reputational gains. Suppliers and partners operations in line with the Bank’s institutional view can create positive impacts, however, by acting in disagreement with this view, they can have negative impacts. Society is positively impacted to the extent that products offered can contribute to improving quality of life and a sustainable income generation. Operating in the agribusiness sector can generate positive impacts by fostering sustainable practices, through financing lines and partnerships with services providers, however, it can pose negative impacts to the environment if credit is used to finance the use of pesticides or the purchase of diesel machines.

Quality of customer service and services provided

A good or bad service impacts the Bank. Nowadays, as there are service information rankings that can be easily visualized by the shareholders/ stakeholders, the company’s reputation and revenue are constantly linked to a good service and a good quality of the services provided.