Sustainable products and business

The offer of sustainable products that foster positive social and environmental impacts generates financial results and reputational gains. Suppliers and partners operations in line with the Bank’s institutional view can create positive impacts, however, by acting in disagreement with this view, they can have negative impacts. Society is positively impacted to the extent that products offered can contribute to improving quality of life and a sustainable income generation. Operating in the agribusiness sector can generate positive impacts by fostering sustainable practices, through financing lines and partnerships with services providers, however, it can pose negative impacts to the environment if credit is used to finance the use of pesticides or the purchase of diesel machines.

Material topics


Impacted stakeholders:

  • Shareholders/investors
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Community/society
  • Suppliers and partners
  • Government
  • Environment
  • Banrisul Operations



Sustainable products and business​

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The Bank does not use the positive screening criterion for Development Lines; however, the approach used excludes companies that are not in compliance with it, whether environmental or labor, and takes into account the applicable legislation and the requirements of the onlending agents (BNDES, FINEP and FGTS). Thus, the borrower’s legal, social and environmental compliance is monitored by the competent technical area. As for social and environmental criteria, Banrisul has adopted the practice of not granting credit to companies that carry out activities that do not comply with the proper environmental agency, i.e., companies that do not have an environmental license. If the borrower is included in the Ministry of the Economy’s list of employers that submit their workers to degrading forms of labor or keep them in conditions similar to forced labor is also considered a restriction for credit approval.

In order to mitigate social and environmental risks throughout the operation’s effectiveness, the Bank relies on contractual clauses for extraordinary or early maturity for cases of non-compliance with legislation, problems with environmental licensing, crimes against the environment, forced and child labor. There are no exclusions or limitations to audit coverage related to regions or products and services.

There is no specific sustainability policy for rural loans in the agribusiness sector, however, the legal obligations and the guidelines of the Rural Loan Manual, which addresses environmental and social compliance in credit assignment, must be followed. Products managed comply with the Bank’s credit and sustainability policies, in addition to the guidelines of onlending agents, always complying with new sustainable aspects. Accordingly, the Company relies on the Responsibility Policy (PRSAC in Portuguese), which guides the practices, processes and business, coupled with the Management of Social, Environmental and Climate Risks.

Banrisul is present in almost 93% of the municipalities. The Bank’s reach comprises service points located both in developed cities with great economic potential and in municipalities that are difficult to access, poorly developed and essentially rural, allowing Banrisul to exceed 99% coverage of the state’s GDP, considering its branches, Service Stations, Banripontos (Banking Correspondents) and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs or PAEs in Portuguese). Banrisul’s presence ensures that the community of the State of Rio Grande do Sul has access to the conveniences offered by the Bank in terms of its financial products and services, which ensure the financing of personal or corporate activities, fostering the State’s economy.

The Bank is continually prospecting cities that lack or have poor offer of banking services. The following table presents the presence of service points throughout the state.

Significant indirect economic impacts

Presence in Rio Grande do Sul Number of municipalities Municipalities coverage Population coverage GDP Coverage
Branch 347 69.8% 96.5% 96.9%
Service Station 81 16.3% 2.1% 1.9%
Subtotal (Branches + Service Stations) 428 86.1% 98.6% 98.8%
Automated Teller Machines and Banriponto 6 1.2% 0.1% 0.1%
Automated Teller Machines 15 3.0% 0.3% 0.2%
Banriponto 12 2.4% 0.3% 0.2%
Subtotal (Automated Teller Machines and Banriponto) 33 6.6% 0.7% 0.6%
Total 461 92.8% 99.3% 99.3%